I was sitting in the park near the kids school yesterday reading a book when I looked up and saw a really large person walk by and I though to myself that is the first really fat person I have seen here. At night, while I was having dinner with Andrea and Phillip after the kids were in bed, Phillip informed me that there is actually a 20% obesity rate here. So I guess the Germans are getting fatter too. Oh dear. The kids and I went back to the park after school and while Emily played peacefully, Oscar and his two friends decided to get into trouble by throwing sand up the slide. I thought it was all fine, none of the kids were screaming or crying or complaining but some up-tight parent was apparently just not okay with it and had a talk with them. I guess he asked one of the boys his name, where he lived, where was his parent, what was his phone number and he told him all lies. Silly Boys. Oscar thought that was just SO funny. He was laughing so hard when he was telling me about it. Those boys are trouble makers. :)
IKEA trip today! WOOO! The kids are getting new mattresses because their Dad just made them a trundle bed I think it's called and their old mattresses are much too small. This weekend we are going to a birthday party at a "castle" in Wetzlar. Should be interesting. I'm not really sure what qualifies a castle, it could just be a mansion or something. So we will be staying the night there and then coming back Sunday. Oscar isn't coming with us because he is going to a horse riding camp! Sounds like fun to me!!
Johanna is coming tomorrow! SO EXCITED!!!! Last time I saw her was when Kyle and I went and visited her in San Fran when she was an aupair there! Now she is going to come visit me while I am an aupair. Tender. Maria also wants to come visit soon but we haven't set a date yet. And hopefully I will be going to Eichstätt soon to visit the rest of my German family! Then I can practice my Bavarian accent. hehe. Servus!