Fruit please?
Going on day five here and they won't let me go. The main doctors came in this morning, as they do every morning, and checked out my 18 stitches, saw that they still looked good, saw that my temperature and blood pressure and everything else was fine and then said "Looks like you will be able to leave tomorrow." To which my reply is : "I want to go today." Since that was the plan and all! Nope they want me to eat more and go to the bathroom more. Well the reason I haven't been eating very much is because what they give you is just not healthy or yummy. Creme soup, white bread, really fatty yogurt (which makes me really phlegmy), margarine (?!?) and those little jelly packets. Not very appetizing and not the kind of thing I would want to eat to get healthier. So I stuffed my mouth with almost everything they gave me this morning just to show that I could eat it all easy, it's just that I don't want to because it tastes like crap. Why is this so typical in hospitals?! So Andrea is going to bring me some fruit and vegetables when she comes and visits me today and we will also work on changing their minds and letting me leave today. I paced the halls this morning, got my own water, danced with the lady who cleans the rooms, and I am officially bored. I've read two books - French women don't get fat and The last lecture. Both interesting. I've read two magazines that Meike brought me. Not interested in watching tv. Much more interested in leaving. Maybe I will eat some of the chocolate that Andrea brought me yesterday. . . I've switched from the ever exciting still water to the very common bubbly water. From chamomile tea to Mint tea. Can you tell I'm bored? The last few days were fine but with the expectation of leaving today and now not being allowed to I've become bored. The sun is shining and I want to go sit in the park. Go for a walk outside and not back and forth on this hall. Wish me luck on getting out today!