
Frohe Ostern!

Happy Easter!

I'm listening interchangeably to Led Zepplin and Andrea Bocceli in honor of my parents. Ha! I've been in Berlin since Wednesday with the kids and then Andrea arrived on Thursday and Phillip yesterday morning. We've been having a nice time. I met up with Julia who was at Westview for a year doing an exchange. She is from Potsdam and was in the city this weekend so we met up and walked all around Potsdam and caught up on what's been going on in life. We walked through the beautiful Schloss Sanssouci gardens, where she took me 5 years ago around New Years with Regina who is now her sister funny enough.

Today Anki and I and the kiddos - Oscar, Em, and cousin Lily went to a Easter party at a friend of Anki's about an hour outside of Berlin. It was a very pretty place - big house on a lake, big garden, but I think the youngest besides us was about 50. Yeah. The kids had fun playing with the two dogs - one who was completely like Hercules (except could still run around) and the other black like Tanker but definitely not as great as my wonderful Tank. We wanted to take Hercules's look alike home with us. It made me miss the dogs! They roasted a lamb - SICK. As the body twirled around the fire I could just picture it with a head on it and fur. Sad day. I ate a lot of chocolate instead. Naturally. I drove home and on the way got pulled over by the police. I was driving along when a car drove past us and flashed their lights at us so then I though I had my brights on. See, it wasn't dark enough yet to really tell if my lights were on or not, so I figured they were. Asked Anki if I had the brights on and she said yes. Turned the switch down one. Two minutes later a person steps into the road with a sign and pointed me onto a dirt road - I thought we had to take a detour. Nope, it was a Policeman. The Polizei!! Rolled down the window - Anki handed him the registration. I didn't have my license with me as I had traded bags to put all the kids things in. Uhhhh. . . A Policewoman comes over as well. We have a little chat. She says she'll believe me that I have my license, as it is Easter, and that the reason I was pulled over was because my lights were off. I then explained that not two minutes ago someone had flashed their lights at me so I thought I had my brights on and turned my lights down. She laughed and said they were warning me that there were Police up ahead. How friendly of them! Bah! Alles klar. They let us go, Frohe Ostern, etc and off we drove, ticket-less. Phew! First run in with the Polizei and I got off free and clear Gott sei Dank! hehe.

Hope everyone else is having a safe and merry Easter eating lots of chocolate like me.