
There are no Cheetos in Germany.

Last weekend I.... I don't remember what I did!

Hmmm.. Why is my memory so bad? Oh I got it!

Waterfront Walk
On Saturday I went and hung out with my friend Susanna in the city and we went for a walk and just relaxed. Sunday I went with Ning, her husband Dirk, and Adriana to the Netherlands/German border and went shopping at a huge outlet center! It was a lot of fun and Ning found some really cute things like a shirt from Prada for 25 Euros that said don't wash on the tag. Hahahaha. On our way home we went to Bonn, a city in Germany, for a Chinese dinner on the river and then the restaurant decided it was a boat and we did a one hour loop on the river. Such a pleasant surprise! Adriana had a minor freak out since she gets sea sick so she downed Dramamine real quick. Ning and Dirk had been to eat at this restaurant twice before and it had never done a loop so Ning thought it was a joke at first. Nope! Not at all! We went on the deck for a bit to enjoy the fresh air and the non existent view. Naja.  I was so full afterward. It's so much fun going out for Chinese food with Ning, because she just orders all the food since she knows it. And then we get a discount, because she is Chinese. And then her husband pays for the meals while the rest of us argue with him and he won't take our money. Oh dear.

Ning, Adriana, and our other friend Nobia went out for Sushi on Monday. Tuesday I went out for "Mexican" with Sarah and Jess-A, Yesterday I went to Susanna's with Lindsay for "knitting night," but we just ate cookies and veggies and gossiped.

Tonight I am HOME! Phew. The weather was GORGEOUS today and tomorrow should be as well. Had fun running around with the kids outside in the SUN! Doing a lot of pull ups on the monkey bars and impressing the kids with my gymnastic skills.

Today was "Manners day" in the 2nd grade class, so all the kids were dressed up in suits and dresses and it was pretty darn adorable. I wore a skirt and my toms. Naja. I tried! :)

Saturday and Sunday I am going to Luxembourg with Lindsay, another colleague Jennifer, Susanna, and two of her friends who we stayed with in Belgium. Should be a fun girls weekend! Fingers crossed for good weather.

Ate a chocolate bar and a half today. Ate a bag of banana chips. SUGARRRRRR. I need a day off. :)