Oscar turned 7 on Thursday!! We had his godfather Jed (one of Andrea's college roommates) and the Grandmother Anki staying at the house to celebrate. I made Anzac cookies for Oscar to take to school to share with his schoolmates. I then baked a spice cake with cream cheesy butter cream frosting and I decorated the top with a horse since for his birthday the plan was to have a couple of his friends join him for a couple hours horseback riding today. Well, the weather has turned crappy today and it is rain rain rain and he is not interested in riding a horse in the rain. His birthday was a success I would say in that he was very happy, with the family, and got lots of presents - the biggest being a new bike! I got him some chocolate, naturally, and the book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I think we'll read it on the car ride to and from Northern Italy at the end of the month.
Right now I'm working on purchasing my ticket to go to Eichstätt for Halloween weekend! Super duper excited to be back in the town and see the people that made me want to come back to Germany. I love my German family!! :)
We just got back from a play that we went to see for Oscar's birthday. Thirteen kids under the age of eight eating cake at the house = INSANITY. Phillip and I and the 13 little ones went to the play while Andrea tried to gain back her sanity. I took a taxi with a group of five. The play was about a little witch. The kids enjoyed it I think and now they just finished eating some pasta. It is crazy in this house! Finally!! I miss the craziness of my house. :)
Off to Italy in a week!!!!